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Two donkeys pull carts from the farmhouse to the yard. The carts are the same. Each cart is holding different tools.
The donkeys move the carts at the same speed. Which cart is pulled with a larger force?
Two movers are putting heavy boxes into their truck. The boxes are the same shape and size. Each mover lifts one box up into the truck at a time.
The movers lift the boxes at the same speed. Which box is lifted with a larger force?
Two mail trucks are loaded with mail. The trucks are the same. But they are carrying different amounts of mail.
The trucks begin to move at the same speed. Which truck needs a larger force to start moving?
Two students get ready to leave school. The students have the same rolling backpacks. Each student has different books in her backpack.
The students start rolling their backpacks at the same speed. Which backpack is pulled with a
larger force?
A shopper is buying food at the store. He fills two shopping bags. The shopping bags are the same size and shape.
The shopper lifts each bag at the same speed. Which bag is lifted with a larger force?
Two mail trucks are loaded with mail. The trucks are the same. But they are carrying different amounts of mail.
The trucks begin to move at the same speed. Which truck needs a larger force to start moving?
a mail truck carrying 500 pounds of mail
a mail truck carrying 600 pounds of mail
A mom, a dad, and two kids are going for a walk. The mom and the dad each push one of the kids in a stroller. The strollers are the same. But the kids are different sizes.
The mom and dad push the strollers at the same speed. Which stroller is pushed with a larger force?
Two students get ready to leave school. The students have the same rolling backpacks. Each student has different books in her backpack.
The students start rolling their backpacks at the same speed. Which backpack is pulled with a larger force?
Two mail trucks are loaded with mail. The trucks are the same. But they are carrying different amounts of mail.
The trucks begin to move at the same speed. Which truck needs a larger force to start moving?
Two movers are putting heavy boxes into their truck. The boxes are the same shape and size. Each mover lifts one box up into the truck at a time.
The movers lift the boxes at the same speed. Which box is lifted with a larger force ?
Philip gives two friends a ride in his wagon. One friend sits in the wagon at a time.
Philip starts to pull the wagon across the yard. To move the wagon at the same speed each time, which friend does Philip need to pull with a larger force?